Why Is My House So Dusty?
No matter what you do, it seems you’re always dusting your home only to find a fresh film of debris laying across your surfaces. Don’t worry — increased dust in the home is a common problem that many homeowners face, and it almost always is due to something unrelated to your cleanliness.
So, what does cause increased dustiness in the home, and how can you reduce the number of dust particles present on your home’s surfaces? Many answers to these questions may lie in your home’s HVAC system. By finding the root cause of increased dust in your home, you’ll be able to enjoy a cleaner, healthier, more comfortable indoor environment.
Top Reasons for Increased Dust in the Home
Even people who dust multiple times per week can be left with pesky particles strewn across their freshly cleaned countertops and tables. One of the biggest contributing factors to dust in the home can be your heating and cooling system. The following are just some of the top reasons that homeowners can see increased dust in their home despite a rigorous cleaning routine:
Dirty Air Filter
You know how the old saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” This is especially true with air filters: Cheap air filters have larger holes, meaning more dust can enter your home’s HVAC vents. Not only that, but cheap air filters are less efficient and last a shorter period of time than their higher efficiency counterparts. This translates to faster dirt and dust accumulation in a shorter time frame, leading to increased dust in the home.
Air Duct Leaks
Sometimes your HVAC system can end up sucking in dust and debris from your attic or other dusty places in the home, even outdoors. In fact, according to ENERGY STAR, the average home loses between 20%–30% of the air flowing through its ductwork, typically through gaps around fittings or unsealed joints in the duct system. The result is increased dust in your system, which then circulates throughout your home.
Dirty Ducts
Over time, ducting will become dirty and dusty. No air filter is perfect, so dust will eventually accumulate in your duct system. Another cause of dirty ducts, and even blowers and coils, is air being sucked into the return air ducting that isn’t filtered. This dirt and dust ends up in your air conditioning and heating equipment and, of course, your duct system and family’s living spaces.
How to Decrease Dust Levels in Your Home
Once you’ve identified the root cause of dustiness in your home, you can take the necessary steps to reduce it for a cleaner environment. The following are just some of the ways in which you can achieve improved cleanliness and comfort by reducing dust particles in your home:
Replace the Air Filter
Air filters are rated by their minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV), which is assigned on a scale from 1 to 16. The higher the MERV, the greater its efficiency and ability to trap dust particles inside the filter. Rather than opting for a cheaper filter, select one with a higher MERV rating (we recommend a filter with a MERV rating of 8 for the best results). A higher MERV rating will trap smaller particles but is more restrictive to airflow and will need to be changed more often.
Air Purification
Reduce airborne particles and help your home fight mold, germs, volatile organic compounds, and odors by choosing one of RGF’s Air Purification Systems that best fits your needs. RGF’s award-winning line of in-duct and stand-alone air purifiers featuring REME® and PHI-cell® technology produce hydro-peroxides (H2O2), which are proven safe and effective at cleansing the air in your home.
Clean Your Duct System
In the past, it was not recommended to do duct cleaning on flexible ducting (which is what most of us have). For metal ducts, it was fine. In the past few years, the technology has improved, and flexible ducting can be safely and effectively cleaned and have an anti-microbial applied. Contact a professional that uses the RotoBrush system for safe and effective cleaning. A clean duct system not only helps keep the house cleaner; it means you and your family are not breathing air that has passed over years-old dirt that had previously been in your duct system. Once cleaned, make sure it is sealed. See below.
Reseal Air Ducts
If you suspect that your HVAC system is leaking air, you’ll need to contact a professional technician to resolve the issue. Your heating and cooling specialist will conduct a pressure test on your system to identify any leaks. Once the leak is detected, your HVAC contractor will reseal your ducts. Not only is this excellent in terms of reducing dust in the home, but it will also help you save on energy expenses each month!
What Now?
Ultimately, the best way to put a stop to pesky dust particles in your home is by doing all of the things mentioned above. It helps to regularly change the air filter, have the ducts cleaned, make sure the duct system is sealed, add air purification, and run the blower more often. Also, look for leaks in your house to the outdoors. Weather stripping around doors and other simple DIY solutions can make a significant difference in the cleanliness and energy efficiency of your home.
AirCo Can Help Resolve Dusty Ductwork
No matter what’s causing increased dust in your home, AirCo can help resolve the problem through our expert HVAC services. Our team proudly offers top-quality products from the industry’s most trusted manufacturers, including air purifiers, air filters, HVAC systems, thermostats, RotoBrush duct cleaning, and more.
If you’re looking to improve the air quality and comfort in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to AirCo for the expert service you need. Contact our team today to get started!
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